Agricultural training for 100 indigenous families in Chimaltenango
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Required donations
4.000 €
Project objective
The aim of the project is to improve the living conditions and the economic situation of 100 indigenous smallholder families from the department of Chimaltenango through agricultural qualification measures and the implementation of production models.
The Utz Samaj Program
The Utz Samaj program focuses on educating people who make a living from agriculture in modern and high-yield techniques, entrepreneurship and marketing through accredited trainings and then accompanying them in their agricultural activities.
Training and accompaniment
In the project, 100 people involved in agriculture (at least 30% women) participate in the trainings. After the six-month training, the participants will apply the knowledge they have learned with their families on their own plots of land. They will be accompanied by employees of FUDI and the Guatemalan Ministry of Agriculture and supported in the production process and in the marketing of their products.
Our local partner
Through various programs, FUDI offers the rural and largely indigenous population in Guatemala opportunities to improve their current living conditions. In more than 40 years, FUDI has planned and implemented more than 60 projects that promote the development of communities and families through programs of training and entrepreneurship promotion.