About Peru
Peru is located in the west of South America and borders the Pacific Ocean with a length of about 2,400 km. While the Andes account for nearly 30% of the national territory, the rainforest region with about 60% makes up a large part of the landscape. With a share of 45%, Peru has the highest share of indigenous population groups in Latin America, along with Bolivia and Guatemala.
Our Work
Our projects aim at empowering vulnerable groups in Peru including women, indigenous people and the rural population. The focus lays on protecting local ecosystems, promoting sustainable agroforestry, creating alternative livelihood opportunities, and offering alphabetization courses.
Major Challenges
Despite the unique cultural and natural wealth, Peru still is facing challenges such as poverty and high social as well as economic inequalities. Big parts of the population struggle from a lack of access to clean water, energy, and basic sanitation. This accounts especially to Peru’s indiginous population living in rural areas.
Discover our projects in Peru
- Current
- Finished

A dignified livelihood for 250 families living in poverty
Local partner:
Beneficiaries: 250
Duration: 2024 – 2026
Volume/Needed: 642.000 € / 20.000 €

Reduction of malnutrition in Lambayeque
Local partner:
Beneficiaries: 750
Duration: 2021-2024
Volume/Needed: 5.000 €

Income growth in the agricultural sector in Junín
Local partner:
Asociación UNACEM
Asociación UNACEM
Beneficiaries: 400
Duration: 2021-2023
Volume/Needed: 3.000 €

Sanitation infrastructure and environmental protection at Lake Titicaca
Local partner:
Beneficiaries: 1.210
Duration: 2020-2023
Volume/Needed: 3.000 €

Promotion of income opportunities in Otuzco
Local partner:
MINKA Trujillo
MINKA Trujillo
Beneficiaries: 2.800
Duration: 2019-2022
Volume/Needed: 526.400 €

Training courses on agriculture and the environment in Junín
Local partner:
Beneficiaries: 420
Duration: 2019-2022
Volume/Needed: 497.000 €
Your donation makes a difference!
will let an indigenous woman receive a qualified education
will protect biodiversity in Peru’s rainforest with 300 seedlings
will provide basic health care to children in remote communities