Kenya in the world



People reached

51,5 Mio.



Human Development Index
Germany ranks 9/191 (as of 2021)
Our aims:

About Kenya

Kenya is located in East Africa and has the largest economy in Southeast and Central Africa in terms of GDP. Although only four percent of its land is arable, over 50 percent of Kenya‘s exports are agricultural goods. In total, more than 40 different ethnic groups live in the state, speaking more than 50 different languages and dialects.

Our Work

Together with our local partners, we enable young people from the poorest backgrounds, especially women, to gain access to qualified schooling or vocational training and we support them in setting up and developing their small businesses.

Major Challenges

Despite strong economic growth, hunger, poverty and a lack of health care continue to pose major challenges for the country, especially in rural areas. Positive developments could be observed above all in infant mortality and life expectancy. Although the literacy rate is steadily increasing, educational opportunities for young people are limited. Many young people from poor backgrounds have no vocational training and thus little chance of finding a job.
Discover our projects in Kenya

Another Kind of Christmas
Local partner:
Strathmore Turkana Education Program (STEP)

Beneficiaries: 200
Duration: 2024 – 2025
Volume/Needed: 20.000 €

Smartiki Kids Kenia
Vocational training for women and promotion of health literacy among children.
Local partner:
Kianda Foundation

Beneficiaries: 2.420
Duration: 2019-2021
Volume/Needed: 353.500

Dual training for young people in Nairobi
Local partner:
Strathmore Educational Trust

Beneficiaries: 1.030
Duration: 2021-2023
Volume/Needed: 5.000 €

Your donation makes a difference!

will let an indigenous woman receive a qualified education
will protect biodiversity in Peru’s rainforest with 300 seedlings
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will provide basic health care to children in remote communities