Guatemala in the world



People reached

16,6 Mio.



Human Development Index
Germany ranks 9/191 (as of 2021)
Our aims:

About Guatemala

Guatemala is located in Central America and represents the geographical center of the American continent. The state borders Mexico to the north, Belize to the east, Honduras to the southeast and El Salvador to the south. 42 percent of the total population are indigenous and mostly members of the Maya.

Our Work

With the help of our partner FUNDAP, we enable particularly vulnerable groups such as the poor, single mothers or young people with disabilities to receive qualified schooling and/or vocational training. We then accompany the participants into professional life and support them in setting up small businesses.

Major Challenges

Besides poverty, corruption and inadequate health care, the population of Guatemala suffers from chronic malnutrition and unequally distributed or lacking educational opportunities. Children and young people in particular feel the effects of this on a daily basis.
Discover our projects in Guatemala

Including vocational training
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 2.980
Duration: 2024-2027
Volume/Needed: 698.300€ / 50.000€
Improving the quality of education for young women through work-related internships
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 290
Duration: 2024 – 2025
Volume/Needed: 133.300 € / 10.000 €
Better education as the basis for the future
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 5,100
Duration: 2023-2026
Volume/Needed: 398.325 € (25.000€ needed)
Increasing income and improving health care in poverty-affected municipalities in Ciudad de Guatemala
Local partner:
Cáritas Arquidiocesana

Beneficiaries: 470
Duration: 2023-2025
Volume/Needed: 28,870
Reducing chronic malnutrition among children in Guatemala
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 4.500
Duration: 2022-2025
Volume/Needed: 713.400 € / covered

Agricultural training for 100 indigenous families in Chimaltenango
Local partner:
Fundación para el desarrollo integral (FUDI)

Beneficiaries: 512
Duration: 2021-2023
Volume/Needed: 4.000 €
Ausbildung Gehörlose
Inclusive vocational training courses for deaf young people
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 3.750
Duration: 2019-2022
Volume/Needed: 334.600 €
Feria empresarial Guatemala
Awareness, professional training and entrepreneurship
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 6.600
Duration: 2021-2023
Volume/Needed: 11.000 €
Unternehmerinnen Guatemala
Vocational training as an alternative to migration
Local partner:

Beneficiaries: 1.665
Duration: 2021-2023
Volume/Needed: fully funded

Your donation makes a difference!

will let an indigenous woman receive a qualified education
will protect biodiversity in Peru’s rainforest with 300 seedlings
Syringe icon
will provide basic health care to children in remote communities